Friday, December 14, 2012

A Challenge You Say?

So it has come to my attention that I have a HUGE addiction with buying Kindle ebooks... especially when they are $0.00!! I have 999 ebooks that I have purchased from! WOW!!! That is a lot of books to read!!
So since I doubt I'll read every single one of them, I've picked about 80+ ebooks to read during 2013.
I'll be getting the covers for all the books over the next couple of days and I'll post them in a separate post.

How many ebooks do you have? Are you up to the challenge? What are you thoughts on ebooks?
Feel free to leave comments. I do reply back.  
Happy Reading! 


  1. 999 books -- wow. I buy them one at a time because without any visual cue -- like that huge stack of physical books I have --- I'd totally get carried away.

    1. Yea... its terrible right? lol I have issues.
      Thus the reason I decided to do this challenge. If I can get about 80 books read this year, it'll be a good start. :)

  2. oh yes im with ya loli need to get that thing cleared out a bit

    1. I have 900 more ebooks that I do print books... lol is that sad? :P So I'm hoping to get a few ebooks read and off my TBR list next year!
