Monday, March 11, 2013

Marissa Meyer Toronto Signing!

I was so happy that I was able to get out to Yorkdale for Marissa Meyer's book signing!
Not only was I happy to be there, I was happy that I had my oldest daughter with me too!
It was really nice to share this experience with her 
and I hope we can go to more
signings together in the future!

Anyway, here are some pics I took from the signing!
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This is my daughter Brooke standing in front of  the Cinder and Scarlet display 
and the "In Person: Marissa Meyer" sign!

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We were lucky enough to actually get seats for the Q&A!
Granted it was the last row... but we still got a seat!

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The Indigo staff getting the stage
set up for Marissa's arrival!

The next few pics are of Marissa talking about how she started writing,
how old she was when she started, and about how she came up with The Lunar Chronicles series.
As well as her love for Sailor Moon!
She officially rocks!!! 
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Marissa's favorite Sailor Scout is Jupiter!

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Yay she's here!!!

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At one point, she started talking about fairy tale origins dating back to the 14th century...
and WOW are they ever gory!!! 
Brooke sat beside me with her hands covering her ears the whole time!
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The next few pics are of Marissa signing her fans books!
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Here is the picture that an Indigo staff member took of
Myself, my daughter Brooke and Marissa!
She is so sweet and so funny!
I hope to meet her again someday!

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This is my new book friend that I made in line. haha
Her name is Michele and she runs a blog called Just a Lil' Lost.

Lunar Chronicles Swag!
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Signed Cinder and Scarlet books!!
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We had such a fun time at the signing!
I hope we can go to more of them!!
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  1. It was so lovely to meet you on Saturday!! :) And aww.. you got a pic of me getting my book signed too! :P Glad you and Brooke had a great time (even if she might've come out a little traumatized.. lol) Great pic of the two of you with Marissa!

    Definitely hope to see you at more book signings! It's always such a fun time, and you get to know a lot of the familiar faces :)

  2. Great recap! I was kind of wondering if the kids in the crowd/ store would be traumatized! ;)

    Oh, and Michele- what a sweatheart!

  3. Sorry I didn't get to meet you there! (Although I am in some of your pics, haha... in front of Marissa with the blonde-ish hair and blue shirt)

    Glad you had a good time! It was such a fun event. =)

    I'll link to your recap in my post here.

  4. That looks like you had so much fun!! Can't wait to read those books!
