*Waves* Hi everyone! Welcome to my stop of the
Demanding Ransom Blog Tour!!
This also happens to be my FIRST time being apart of a tour with Kismet Book Touring, so I am really excited about this! I hope you'll enjoy what I have to share with you today!
About The Book
Sometimes life takes things away from you. In nineteen-year-old Maggie Carson’s case, it’s taken more than its fair share.But that’s hard to do when the present is just as difficult. And even harder when someone like Ran, the gorgeous paramedic that keeps crossing Maggie’s path, challenges her to face things head on, rather than bury them like she always does.
Ran hasn’t had a perfect life either. But there’s something different about him, and something different about the way he makes Maggie feel. Maybe meeting Ran is life’s little gift for Maggie—a sort of consolation prize for enduring everything she's had to go through.
But things don’t come easy for Maggie. Why should love be the exception? And just when everything starts to settle, it’s all turned on its head once again.
If there is one thing Ran has taught Maggie, it’s that you can’t sit on the sidelines of your own existence. When life takes something that’s yours, you have every right to demand it back.
Only for Maggie, that is easier said than done.
Note: Demanding Ransom is a New Adult Romance with non-explicit sexual content.
About Megan Squires
Megan Squires lives with her husband and two children just outside of Sacramento, California. A graduate from the University of California, Davis, Megan is now a full-time mother, wife, and dreamer – though her characters don’t often give her much opportunity to sleep.
Find Megan
Ran Interviews Megan
Ran: How hard did you hit your head?
Megan: Huh?
Ran: Sorry, I’m used to asking these sorts of questions.
Megan: No worries. Though I’m not opposed to doing the interview in the back of your ambulance...only if you think it might make things more realistic if you’re in your element…
Ran: Calm down there, Cougar.
Megan: Oh, hardly! I’m only 31, Ran.
Ran: I kid, I kid. Anyways, you answered the first question. How old are you. 31. Okay. Mark that off. Question number two: How many kids do you have?
Megan: Two. A six year-old-daughter, Abby, and a seven-year-old son, Jacob.
Ran: Nice names.
Megan: Thank you. Yours too.
Ran: Well, I think you might have had a little something to do with that, but moving on…Question number three: Who is your favorite character that you’ve written so far?
Ran: Why do you assume I think it’s me? (winks)
Megan: Oh come on, you totally already know it is.
Ran: Fair enough. Moving on…before you change your mind. (smiles) What do you like in your leading fictional men?
Megan: Humor. The ability to relate emotionally. Dimensionality. And of course, good looks don’t hurt.
Ran: You do realize you just summed me up, don’t you? (that devilish grin resurfaces)
Megan: Someone is getting a little cocky. I need to write some life-altering scene to take you down a few pegs.
Ran: Pretty sure you already did that. Moving on… If you weren’t a writer, what would you want to be?
Megan: Well, I actually am a newborn photographer. I love getting to snuggle brand new babies everyday, and then give them back to their parents so I can get a good night’s sleep.
Ran: That sounds like an incredible job.
Megan: You like babies? Not something I knew about you.
Ran: I find that hard to believe. You know me so well. (winks)
Megan: You need to stop doing that. The winking thing. I’m a married woman.
Ran: Which leads us into the next question: How long have you been married?
Megan: Brad and I will be married 10 years this September. We were college sweethearts. Maybe that’s why I love to write college-age romances so much.
Ran: Well, I’m sure glad that you do. I kinda benefitted from that, finding Maggie and all.
Megan: You two are my favorite couple I’ve written. Hands down.
Ran: I’m flattered. Any chance you can tell us a little about Ransom’s Note?
Megan: Your sequel? Seriously, Ran, do you think I’m gonna let you in on that?
Ran: Well, it would only be fair since I’m kinda involved in it and all. I think it would be a little mean to keep that from me.
Megan: Shut it, Ran.
Ran: You kinda sound like Maggie right now, you do realize, right?
Megan: Can’t help it. Her voice is in my head a lot.
Ran: Last question. What’s next for you?
Megan: I’m finishing up The Rules of Regret, a coming of age, college romance due out late August/early September.
Ran: Any guys that I might have a little competition with as your favorite character of all time? (shoots a coy smile)
Megan: Well, I’m pretty hooked on Torin right now. He’s deep and philosophical and incredibly thoughtful, not to mention he’s got this whole rugged thing going for him.
Ran: Alright, I think we should stop this interview before you end up saying something you regret.
Megan: (laughs) Sounds good. Thanks for having me.
Ran: Thanks for creating me!
Megan: Absolutely. It was my pleasure. I can’t wait to see what you do next!
Ran: Same here. I’m on pins and needles.
Megan: I’ve already incorporated the whole needle thing, being a paramedic and all. I’ve got some new material for you, don’t you worry.
Ran: Sounds fantastic. Thanks, Megan. Let’s do this again soon.
Megan: Sure thing. Anytime.
Wow! What a great interview!
Thank you Ran and Megan for being here today.
If you haven't picked up your copy of Demanding Ransom,
then be sure to enter the giveaway below!
You can also check out my review here!
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