Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014 “Real” Book Challenge!

Last year, I tried to read only ebooks and managed to read quite a few. But this year is going to be different. I was already planning on only reading "real" books, so this is just perfect for me to join!
This awesome challenge is hosted by Meg & Kassiah @ Swoony Boys Podcast and Jaime & Erin @ Fic Fare.
 The link to the challenge itself is here: "Real" Book Challenge

There are 6 levels you can choose to achieve and my goal is to read at least 50 "real" books this year!

1-10 -- Real Book Newbie
11-20 -- Real Book Enthusiast
21-30 -- Real Book Snob
31-40 -- Real Book Aficionado
41-50 - Real Book Hoarder
50+ -- Real Book Queen/King

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This is my bookcase as of right now... I've probably only read about a third of these books so I should be able to reach my goal of 50 "real" books read this year!

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  1. I am doing this challenge also! Hope you reach your goal. New Bloglovin follower.
    Em @

    1. Awesome! What is your goal? And thanks for the follow! I'll follow you in return. Happy Reading!! :D
