
Thursday, June 30, 2016

I'm Back Lovelies!!

Some of  you may have noticed that I haven't posted anything in almost 2 years! I just needed a break from blogging for awhile. Honestly, I hadn't really noticed how long it's been since my last blog post.
But recently I was invited to be apart of a blog tour for an author who I really like, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be apart of one of her tours again. After accepting this invite, I thought about how much I've missed the blogging world. I think 2 years ago, I was trying to take on too much, and it just overwhelmed me. So I think after this very long hiatus, I am ready to get back into the blogging world and see what's new and upcoming!

I will be accepting opportunities to review new books very soon.
Please contact me on Facebook at RosesBookCorner. I have a pinned post about this, so please read it before contacting me.

Thanks so much.

I am looking forward to rejoining the blogging world!

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